Open Days
Our fixtures list is now on on this website and this shows when we will be playing at home. You are welcome to come along and watch a game. If you would like more details please ring Mary on 01273 887953.
Fees for 2024
The cost of a full seasons membership is £170.00 The fee reduces during the season so please ask for the current fee. Social membership is £10.00.
New members always very welcome
Any person may apply to become a Member of the Club. An application form which will be displayed on the Club noticeboard for 14 days for membership approval. Please contact the Secretary if you require an application form – telephone number below
Secretary- Vernon Hewett 07506 948732
Try out bowls
Our season runs from April through to the end of September. We are a small friendly club so come along and give it a try. All equipment is supplied so to start you only need flat soled shoes. Ring Mary 01273 887953 to arrange a time.